You can give through the PayPal link above, or you can scan this QRC code and it will take you to our PayPal link.Your generous, tax-deductible gifts help us to help others through our prayer ministries, food bank, clothes closet, support of other ministries and charities, healing ministry for the hurting, support of local fire, EMU and police, and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to Russia, Ukraine, and all of northern Europe.
The River Room Church of Hampton Roads Virginia Beach, VA 23455 / Sunday Services at 10 am
Copyright The River Room Churchof Hampton Roads 2025
The River Room Church helped put Minister Cassandrabehind a new car after her other car was stolen. Godblessed her with a 2009 Honda Accord with only 77,000 miles
Thanks to the hard work of Lee Moore and Randy Barker, the church was able to build a handicap ramp for Donna Neally’s granddaughter. We were also able to help her daughter by installing a new starter in her car and getting it back on the road after 2 months of sitting idle.
You can give through the PayPal link above, or you can scan this QRC code and it will take you to our PayPal link.Your generous, tax-deductible gifts help us to help others through our prayer ministries, food bank, clothes closet, support of other ministries and charities, healing ministry for the hurting, support of local fire, EMU and police, and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to Russia, Ukraine, and all of northern Europe.