R iver HealingR ooms
The River Healing Rooms is a member of The International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR) in cities and nations across the world. Healing Rooms Ministries is founded on Jesus' commission in Mark 16 that believers, when armed with the Holy Spirit, have authority and power over any sickness or infirmity. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name... they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover. - Mark 16:17-18 God Still Heals In fact, He's never stopped. Since the Healing Rooms were started by Cal Pierce in 1999, people have been healed from cancers, brain damage, depression, alcoholism, just to name a few. 2nd and 4th Thursday
The River Room Church of Hampton Roads 4524 Wishart Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23455 / Sunday Services at 10 am
Copyright The River Room Church of Hampton Roads 2023
Pastor Dr. Hanisha Besant DIRECTOR
The River Healing Rooms is open the second and fourth Thursdays of each month from 7 til 9 pm. No appoinment is needed. Just sign in, sharing a brief description of what you have come to receive healing for ,and an intercessory prayer team will see you shortly thereafter. There is no fee, although any love offerings will go towards the needs of this ministry.
If you are unable to come to The River Healing Rooms on Thursdays, we encourage you to visit our sister healing room in Chesapeake at Christian Embassy International Church as they meet on Tuesdays at 7 pm.
If you are interesting in becoming involved in healing ministry and would like to be a part of the River Healing Rooms in Virginia Beach, please email RiverHealingRooms@gmail.com
© Copyright 2022 The River Room Church of Hampton Roads
R iver HealingR ooms
The River Healing Rooms is a member of The International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR) in cities and nations across the world. Healing Rooms Ministries is founded on Jesus' commission in Mark 16 that believers, when armed with the Holy Spirit, have authority and power over any sickness or infirmity. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name... they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover. - Mark 16:17-18 God still heals In fact, He's never stopped. Since the Healing Rooms were started by Cal Pierce in 1999, people have been healed from cancers, brain damage, depression, alcoholism, just to name a few. 2nd and 4th Thursday The River Healing Rooms is open the second and fourth Thursdays of each month from 7 til 9 pm. No appoinment is needed. Just sign in, sharing a brief description of what you have come to receive healing for ,and an intercessory prayer team will see you shortly thereafter. There is no fee, although any love offerings will go towards the needs of this ministry.